Monday, September 10, 2012

Where is the Chick-fil-A?

Simon and I had our hospital tour Friday after work. Our plan is to deliver at CMC-Main...mostly because that's where our practice prefers but also because I am comfortable there. I  know where the Chick-fil-A and parking lot are...perhaps the two most important features of any hospital, right!?
I'd seen one of the old delivery rooms when Lily was born, but we got to see one of the new rooms during the tour - both are very nice and spacious. The tour guide was disappointed to tell us the new rooms don't have VHS available - only DVD and BluRay. (She really didn't look that old!)
Saturday we celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We went to Zebra and spent way too much money, but we figured this was probably our last chance to a) spend that amount of money on something as silly as food and b) have a peaceful, stress-free night together. Simon ate all 20 ounces of his bone-in-fancy steak, and we both wanted to lick the dessert plate when we were finished!

So after several nights waking up with ridiculously sore hips, I broke down and bought one of those body pillows. Luckily I was able to get it at the local consignment store, so it was only $25 as opposed the the $50+ I've seen them advertised for. I'm not sure if it really helps me sleep, but it is at least way more comfortable than having 6 pillows surrounding me on the bed!
All throughout the weekend, we had strangers talking to us - asking how I was feeling, when we're due, what's his name, etc., etc. Luckily no one asked if we were having twins, so Simon didn't have to hurt anyone! Here's the latest look at my belly...



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