Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Year Complete

WOW - it's been one whole year since I woke Simon up to say, "it's time!"

And now that a year is complete, I'm really glad I've kept this blog. It helps me remember...especially now with pregnancy brain for the second go-round.

Since my 11-month post Xander has started using walking as his preferred method of transportation! I was/am in total shock that someone with a head as large as his can balance it well enough to get around to wherever he wants to go, but he does a great job. We can tell when he's tired because he topples over!

The 12-month stats:
Height: 31 inches (80%)
Weight: 26.7 lbs (88%)
Head: +97%

The doctor was also impressed that he can walk too...she didn't say it was because of his giant head, she just said, "oh wow, good."

We had to hold two birthday parties for him...he finds it rough being so popular - one for family and one for friends. We even had to limit the friends category to friends who are also 1. We did allow Lucinda (she's 2) to crash because we needed some ladies in the house for all the boys. Only one of them noticed her the instant she walked in the house though (uh, hem, Callum).

Some shots from the "friends" party:

Little cupcakes with little icing for the little ones.

Not sure what they're all watching, but here you can see the two friends sporting just as much hair as Xander. I think they're all going to be Pantene models one day!

More of the hair models.

The balloons were a big hit!
Xander and his pal JJ, who not only gives him a run for his money in the hair department, but I do believe JJ is taller and bigger all the way around...and he's a whopping 2.5 weeks younger!
And while most of you have probably already seen on Facebook, perhaps one of his favorite gifts is shown above.

All in all, it's been a fabulously quick year. I'm more than halfway through pregnancy #2 and can barely remember what week I am at. I suppose that's what you get with #2 and having them so close together. But this baby is a little different than Xander. He's smaller and moves around more...perhaps the first affects the second. I haven't had nearly as many gas issues with this guy like I did with Xander. I mean, it sounded like a college frat house around here some nights when I was preggo with Xander. I have been able to eat pretty much whatever I like. The only part so far that has been worse is the insomnia. But if that's all I have to contend with, I'll take it. It's just prep work for February when he appears and wakes us up every hour or two...or three (a girl can dream).