Tuesday, October 22, 2013

11 Months in the Books

Well, little man is no longer little...not that he ever really was. He hit 11 months last week, and it's been crazy. What everyone says is true - it flies by and is all a blur, which makes me glad that I am keeping this blog. I used to be really good at photo albums, but for whatever reason, I am terrible at it now, so this blog has helped me remember when.....
Over the past month, Xander has gotten better at his walking. He's pretty good about lunging between the couch and footrest, maybe taking a step here and there with no help.
He's working on his eighth tooth, which has wreaked havoc on his sleep schedule, but we're hopeful it's almost in and over with!
He still loves boxes and bubble wrap, so please keep all impending birthday gifts limited to such. 
We were able to meet up with an old college buddy Natalie and her little man, Brian, at McDonald's before they flew back home. Yes, I know...introducing them to the junk food early is a terrible idea, but whatever....it was right off the interstate, and we didn't have much time! I promise, Xander at organic asparagus for dinner!

Luckily, he's still into brushing his teeth!

And - he's still into the bathroom...though he tried to pretend he hadn't just been in there when I busted him with TP on his sock.

On a nice cooler evening one weekend, we hit up the White Water Center for a picnic dinner with the Loomis family. X enjoyed all the people/dog watching available...and only stole a little of J's food.

We bought a new footrest/coffee table/storage thingy, and I've decided it makes a lovely playpin too. However, I'm sure it won't be too long until he's hiking his leg up over the edge and throwing himself out of this.

We had a nice lunch visit from Tanya and JJ later in the month too. These boys could be brothers/twins/cousins. JJ is about 2 weeks younger than Xander and gives him a good run for his money on both hair and overall size. They will make a great offensive line one day.

And finally, we've taught him to Swiffer! He absolutely LOVES watching Simon vacuum...I mean loves it so much he throws himself out of my arms to run toward Simon and the vacuum. Luckily the Swiffer is lighter and easier for him to maneuver.

In little brother news....Baby Z 2.0 is doing well. I had my second 'old lady' ultrasound this morning, and he passed. The doctor finally said, "You are done here." (here being the center where they send old ladies...and diabetics...odd combo in my opinion, but whatever.) For as annoying as these appointments seemed to us in the beginning, we feel very blessed to have another healthy boy growing and on his way. Now to just keep him in until February....which should hopefully be the easy part. Mr. 2.0 is measuring right to his due date, which is good news to me. Xander was already a week ahead at this point, so if #2 wants to be "average" sized I am a-ok with that! As of today, no one has me if I am having twins...I take that as a win!

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