Wednesday, April 17, 2013

FIVE months already!

Well, I can't believe it, but lil man is already 5 months old! So far he is:
  • laughing out loud
  • rolling over from front to back - evidently he does it all the time at daycare but only shows off for us every now and then
  • sleeping at night in anywhere from 5-8 hour stretches
  • eating 1-2 tbs of food at dinner time (sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, etc)
  • weighing about 20 pounds! He's as big as or bigger than most of the "babies" in the Infant 2 room at daycare!
We went to Detroit for Easter. He did great on the plane, and it was nice to have Simon along with us this time around. The Easter bunny managed to find him in Michigan, though I think he could have lived without some of the bunny's gifts: 

Simon's mom joined us from Canada as well, and I brought her some French versions of the books we have at home. Here's Ours brun, dis-moi (aka Brown Bear, Brown Bear):

The weekend before Easter, I headed to Charleston for a bachelorette party. I was gone two nights!! When I got home, this is what I found:

 Just lounging with Dad all weekend...and evidently having  blast!

And finally - here are just two fun shots of lil happy man:

In the morning...hanging out on our bed while we get ready for work.

After a bath, which he LOVES. I always feel bad taking him out.

These past five months have been a lot of work but mostly a lot of fun. I had to go back for a second round of bloodwork for my thyroid, and the doctor asked how I was sleeping. I laughed at her but said, "I'm amazed at well I'm functioning on much less sleep than before baby." Maybe it's just that my attitude has changed. I still really enjoy snuggling with him at 2 a.m.


  1. These little people are amazing :-) It's crazy how they infect our hearts with love!
