Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So - welcome to the blog I've set up to keep those of you far away up to speed on how things are going. In case you haven't heard....Simon and I are having a baby....and it's a boy!
Due Date: Nov. 24
First Trimester: vomiting but just didn't feel right
Second Trimester: WAY better. Better sleep, less peeing, more energy, able to run 30 mins straight.
Third Trimester: have a feeling the brakes are about to come to a screeching halt! I'm already peeing more, and I'm not technically here yet!
So that puts me into week 27 right now. Here are some photos of my physical progression:
June 3 - Week 16

July 8 - Week 20

August 5 - Week 24
If one more person asks me if there is "more than one in there," I may have to get violent. Why would you say that? OK, maybe say, "Wow, you've ONLY got XX months to go."
Anyway, we have our first baby shower next weekend (ironically Labor Day weekend) in St. Augustine, Florida. We bought a new "family" car last weekend, so we are looking forward to testing it out on I95! (Toyota Camry)


  1. Can I be the first to post? I love this!!! Yay!!! I am just down the road and still don't see you - so I think a blog is fabulous! (and you look fabulous too by the way!) Run 30 mins straight while preggers? Insanity!
    <3 Adele

  2. The next time someone asks how many are in there, show them a picture of me. I look like I'm carrying a litter, and I'm only what, 6 weeks ahead of you?

    Or you could just say, "yes, only one, why? Do I look that big to you? Must be all my fat!" Watch 'em squirm... (you gotta take the laughs where you can get them, and rude people are just as good as any to laugh at)

    (You're looking fantastic, by the way!!!)

  3. Ahhh, having enough time to blog about an upcoming child. I remember it well. Those were the good old days. I've already officially neglected our 2nd child by not blogging about him - and he's still months from being here.

    You wanna race? Sure, Anne is due 8 days after you - but I'm pretty sure we can beat you.
    (and, by the way.....I take offense to your email that talks about other pregnant women blogging.....dudes can do it too....well, the blogging, not the pregnant part).

    1. Haha - sorry Jeremy. I stand corrected!! Should have said "All the blogging parents out there." And I did thoroughly enjoy reading your updates on #1.

  4. Oh.....and sorry.....
    Congrats again, good luck, it's an amazina thing.....looking forward to having kids the same age....yada, yada, yada....
    : )

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was just commenting to Jeremy that you don't look very big. I don't know what everyone is talking about. I guess they haven't seen my belly, I beleive it is bigger than yours and I am a week behind you. (this is Anne by the way)

  7. Love it, Alli. I gotta agree with Jeremy though. We had jillian's first birthday party when she was 15 months old. 8)
