I technically work as part of a team in my current job. All my coworkers are great, but again, it's more of an "I" job that I do. Our team really consists of four web guys and me. (yes I'm the only chick on the team)
Needless to say, I had kinda assumed this whole pregnancy thing would have to be an "I" event in my life. Yes, I am married, and I knew Simon would be supportive, but I thought I was being realistic when I told myself to be prepared to do all the work. Well....I am happy to report I WAS WRONG!
From the day I showed Simon the pee stick that read: PREGNANT, he's been a super champ, and I don't know how I would have made it this far without him. Seriously how to single women do this?
Once I started showing, all of the attention was focused on me. I'm sure he doesn't mind it most of the time - he's not a real attention hog. But I wanted to take this moment to share a little bit about how Simon has been such a fabulous partner in this journey.
- he does ALL the dishes - without even being asked
- he does all the grocery shopping
- he never complained once when I started over shopping for maternity clothes :)
- he covers me up at night because I can't do it myself anymore (awesome body pillow makes sleeping great but getting into bed tricky)
- if/when I forget something up/downstairs, he voluntarily runs and gets it for me
- he saves the last grapes for me
- he bought me a prenatal massage
- he wants to go to all my appointments....but I tell him it's really ridiculous for him to be there at the ones that last 5 minutes
- he tells me I'm beautiful
- he notices when I am wearing something new/different
- he props my feet up on the couch for me (dude, lifting my own legs is getting more and more difficult)
- when I came home crying because everyone continually tells me they're certain I'm having twins, he comforted me and listed to my ridiculous rants of "What's wrong with people"...to which, of course, there is no answer
- every time I wake up to pee at night, he asks me if I need anything
- a billion other little things that I don't have time to type out
I think I see much more of this in his future:
I am one lucky woman!
Love this post! So happy for the two of you!