"I know you're up before Allison, so I thought I'd text you. Kim is in labor." (or something to that effect)
So of course the phone calls began. Mom was already on her way to Columbia. I talked with Lori, and we agreed to wait until I was out of my breastfeeding class to make any decision - as we all know these things can take time.
I headed off to my breastfeeding class where really the main things I remember are the three Ws: Wake (baby should be awake, duh); Wide open mouth; and Whop him on (otherwise known as latch). Oh, and evidently during his first three weeks of life, I will be consumed with these three Ws. I have marked my calendar.
While I was at breastfeeding, Simon was at Daddy Bootcamp. He said he enjoyed the class but couldn't really say too much specifically about what he learned....other than the importance of fatherhood. That seemed like enough for me, so I'd say it was well worth his time!
Needless to say, Kim is pretty much a baby-making professional, so by the time my 2-hour class was out (11 a.m.) we had a new "Aiken Girl"....even though she's not really an Aiken, I know. So I headed to Lori's, and we hit the road. And here she is:
She was a little slow to warm up, so me, mom, Lori and all 6 kids entertained ourselves in the hospital until she was warm enough to leave the nursery. We wanted to see her in person - not just through the nursery windows.
The girls were very impressed with the moving recycle belt and cleaned our tables....only after complaining about having to "work here" to Nanny.
My (aka) walking baby doll niece and I hanging out in the hallway. As you can see there was not a lot going on for a Saturday afternoon....most of Columbia was watching the Gamecocks, so it's understandable.
While we never got to hold the new baby, we finally got to see her in person before we headed back to Charlotte.
This left Sunday with a whole list of chores to complete. Luckily, Simon had completed all the normal home stuff Saturday, so I got to take part in the more fun activities like.....
putting together the changing table (OK, so I mostly observed Simon putting it together):
Voila!I did give Baby Z's walls one final coat of paint...after Uncle Skip finished up the edging in blue. I also found the white paint for the molding and was able to touch up that all the way around the room. Here's a shot (pre-edging) with his crib mattress up against the wall.
Now Baby Z has a clean, painted room and a place for us to change his diaper...and we even have some diapers and wipes. P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S feels good.
We ended our weekend having dinner with Baby Z's soon-to-be BFF, Nolan, down the street. Nolan is 4 months old and will be sharing all the big, bad, boy secrets with Baby Z, I am sure! His parents, Laura and Ricardo, will share them with us (hopefully)!
On a side note....my awesomely talented friend Annie came up with this logo for our Team Kim: Charlotte Edition breast cancer walk. We'll be walking in two weekends....read more here.