Thursday, August 30, 2012

I passed!

Being a bit of an "academic" when it comes to tests, I must admit that I was a bit nervous about "failing" a very important test during my pregnancy - the ever-dreaded glucose tolerance test. Everyone had given me advice on what flavor to choose, whether to go in the morning or afternoon and all sorts of other stuff, but I just told myself (as I always have) "it is what it is" and went for it.

Needless to say, I passed! (and had good iron levels and no syphilis - thanks doctor, I could have told you that one!)

It actually wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. The office didn't give me a flavor choice, but they did give me a nice cold bottle (one piece of advice my sister had given me). I got the fruit punch - so obviously the photo here isn't from my test. The only bad part about the whole thing was that you have to drink all 10 oz right then and there. I'm not a big gulper....especially now that I'm pregnant. I try to avoid eating/drinking in a way that makes me feel uber full. So chugging 10 oz of anything nowadays isn't fun. But at least it didn't taste all that bad...kinda like old Gatorade, and I've drank/swallowed enough disgusting "energy boosting" drinks/gels in my running days to feel like this little 'ole bottle of sugar water was nothing.

I wonder why they don't have these at marathons?

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