Well, he was smaller. From my 34 week to my 36 week prenatal appointment, I swear he grew 5 pounds! Even my doctor was shocked at how much bigger he'd gotten over two short weeks. She was mid-sentence with "he should be about 5 pounds now" when she actually looked at my belly and started laughing and said, "well, maybe more like 6 pounds!"
So as you probably can guess, Zachary Adil Zora has arrived. Not to be outdone by his big brother, Zachary was also scheduled to arrive via c-section on Monday (2/24) but decided to show up Saturday (2/22)...not that I minded. When Simon and I started watching Downton Abbey Friday evening, I thought, "hmm, these contractions are pretty regular." But I got so into the 2-hour season finale, that I didn't really pay much attention to myself. It wasn't until I tried to go to bed that I realized the contractions were pretty regular and only about 3-4 minutes apart! Oops!
But being the practical person I am, I knew I didn't want to go to the hospital Friday night. I'd eaten dinner at 6:30 and my OB stressed to me that they would not give me c-section anesthesia until 8 hours after I'd eaten my last food. And on top of that, I didn't want to check in at 11:45 p.m. and get 'charged' one of my insurance covered nights for a mere 15 minutes. So I waited until 11 and then called the doctor, who told me to come on in to the hospital.
We arrived around 12:30, and Zach was born at 2:33 a.m.....yup, we wasted no time. As soon as the doctor saw his head, he looked over the curtain and told me I'd made the right decision in having another c-section. I thought to myself, "Oh goodness, how big is this one going to be!?" But he ended up being the same as Xander. The OR staff had just delivered twins, so I think they're perspective on size was a bit off that night. I mean, 8 pounds, 6 oz, is no small potato, but they were making it seem like he was 10+ pounds as they were cleaning him up! :)
Anywho - he was nice and healthy, and we ended up going home a day early anyway, so I would have been fine checking in Friday after all. Oh well, we wouldn't have had the cool 2/22 birthday though!
And yes, I think he looks like Xander....below on the left is Xander and the right is Zachary.

So far Xander seems to enjoy his little brother. He makes a squeaking sound and points to him every now and then.
Simon was home with me for the first two weeks, which was incredibly awesome. I'm in week 2 of flying solo, and man are things simpler the second time around? I'm even dealing with getting Xander up and ready and out the door in the mornings, and I feel like it's going easier this time around! I'm sure it's just all about my perspective now.
That's the latest. Zach has his 1 month visit Monday, and I'm curious to see how big he is getting.
Not sure how much I'll be updating this blog anymore, but I will continue to post any updates via Facebook too so that everyone can keep up if interested when I do post something.