Saturday, November 24, 2012

Those hips do lie, Shakira!

I guess you all have figured it out by now....Baby Z is here! And we can officially call him Baby XYZ!

Xander Yannick Zora
Saturday, November 17, 2012
8 pounds, 6 ounces

We'd been to the OB on Friday to have an ultrasound and check his estimated size. They took a look and guessed he was 9 lbs, 9 oz Friday. The doctor gave me the option for an induction or c-section Monday because he was pretty sure my pelvis would not be able to handle that without complications.

We opted for the c-section. I just had this feeling that my body wasn't even going to go into labor so the thought of sitting around on pitocin trying to make it happen didn't seem like a good idea. I hadn't even really had a Braxton Hicks contraction at this point, so I was convinced I'd be one of these 42 week preggo women. Well, was I wrong!

Saturday morning around 2:30 I woke up and realized my water had broken. I wasn't having any contractions. We called the doctor, who said come on in to the hospital. We arrived around 3:30, which was very nice. We got a good parking waiting in line to get checked in, etc.

By 4 a.m., my contractions had started on their own. They were totally manageable at this point, but I was in the bed. So I decided to get up and walk around, rock in the rocking chair, etc., thinking this would/could help me progress. Wrong again. All this did was make my contractions stop! While the relief from pain was nice, I knew that was not the direction I should be going in.

So around the middle of the day, we started pitocin. By 3 p.m. I was ready for the epidural. I had progressed about to the halfway mark, and the doctor was impressed. He even looked excited. By 9 p.m.-ish I was complete and ready to push. The doctor was pumped at this point. I guess he realized this could mean less work for him, right!?

So I pushed for a good hour and half, and then the doctor came back. He checked me, and his whole face changed. He said something to the effect of, "If you can get this head out, I'll deliver the rest of the baby." with a look on his face like "this ain't going to end well." So needless to say, in all that pushing, I'd moved Xander nowhere.

So Simon and I talked and decided it was best to go for the c-section anyway. I was exhausted....remember, I'd been up since 2:30 a.m. and it was not 10:30 p.m. with no real food too. I knew I'd only get worse at pushing as the night wore on.

The procedure was quick, and the whole team was great. Before I knew it, I was in the recovery room with Simon and Xander. He was perfect....even had a little cone head from trying to come out 'normally.' Though he was smaller than everyone guessed, he was 'sunny side up' as they call it. Doctor said this was probably one of the contributing factors to why I wasn't moving him with my pushing. Then he told me I have a 'narrow' pelvis. WHAT? I've been described as a lot of things, but narrow has not really been in my body-description vocabulary! All these years of joking about my birthing hips went to pot with this one baby! Shakira is evidently least my hips do lie!

Oh well. What's important is that he is here, and we are both doing quite well.

Some photos from our adventure:

The sign outside our room:

Family Portrait:


One of his favorite places - the Moses basket:

Today is his official due date, and all is going well. We had a good night of sleeping, eating and pooping last night, so no complaints. His arrival a week early was certainly very convenient. We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with family, and Simon got two free days off from work! Hopefully he'll continue being a very cooperative baby!

Nanny has been here all week and went home this morning, so today begins the real test for Simon and me.

I suppose I'm going to need to change the name of this blog.....any ideas?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Really, I am only 5'6"....a 38 week update

Well, not too much news here on the baby baking front...other than Baby Z is still in the oven. He must like it in there.

He's still pretty active and wakes me up several times a night, but for the most part I am able to fall back asleep. I did have one night last week where I didn' I was a hot mess the following day. Luckily my boss is super cool and told me to go home and take a nap. So I did and felt like a million bucks when I woke up!

This weekend, we were at the Erwins (as usual), and Lori snapped this sweet picture of Allie admiring Sweetie (her name for Baby Z). She is totally in love with my belly. I wonder if she's just going to be done with me once he comes out. This week, she told me she thinks he's going to come out of my face. I said, "yeah, that sounds about right!" I mean, who wants to explain this to a 5-year-old?

We had our 38 week appointment today. I saw the one female in my practice, and once again, she asked, "How tall are you?" To which I replied, "Seriously, I'm 5'6"." She felt all around my belly and thinks Baby Z may already be 8 pounds. She thinks my pelvis could handle an 8.5 pounder, so she's not too worried, but she does want me back in on Friday for an ultrasound to try and get a better look at his size.

She was super sweet in suggesting if I'm not concerned about giving birth to a 10+ pound baby. I reassured her that I am QUITE  HAPPY to come into the office whenever she wants me to in order to check on this baby's size. None of the male doctors in the practice have been the slightest bit concerned for me having a whopper baby. They've all just said, "oh yeah, he's big!" To which I'm like...uh, thanks. I mean what do you say to that other than....well, let's talk about getting him out! Needless to say, I wanted to hug the doctor today when she asked me to come back THIS WEEK and checked all the appropriate paperwork boxes to get insurance to cover the ultrasound.

So we shall see....I will continue to try my best to make him come out before Friday, but I still feel pretty 'normal' for whatever that's worth. I'm just not sure he's planning on making any appearances this week.....but my fingers are crossed.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Right on the 37 weeks

After a week of nothing happening, I'm happy to report that we still have nothing happening! :)

My boss couldn't be happier. Every morning he swings by my desk and happily says, "You're still here!" I suppose it's good to be needed! People keep asking, "so how long are you going to work?" This only makes me wish (for like 2 seconds) we lived in Canada, where mom gets 1 YEAR off to have the baby. I'm working up until we're on the way to the hospital because here in the USA we clearly think it's no big deal to give birth and/or raise a child for that matter! I mean who thinks 12 weeks is enough time for anything....I took longer to train for my marathons! Anywho - this is a whole other situation for a whole other blog (which I do not plan on starting).

On a less controversial note: we had Lori double check Baby Z's car seat for us, and of course, she was able to tighten the strap in basically another inch or so! I'd seen her do this before - she basically is small enough to put her entire body in the car seat base and use all her weight to squish out that extra inch of safety in the strap. It's like magic. Simon and I are just too big/bulky to maneuver our bodies in such small places. So now I'm convinced Baby Z's car seat is going NOWHERE, which is great. Everyone should have tiny people in their lives for purposes such as this.

Today's 37 week appointment went fine. Baby Z's numbers are good, my numbers are good, and I'm pretty sure the doctor is now convinced I WILL make it to 40 weeks. (and I kinda am too) He just gave me this look like, "You're way too comfortable to be having a baby any time soon." OK, so maybe I'm reading into his facial expressions a bit too much...who knows! And his "right on the money" comment as he was measuring my belly sounded like he had won some bet with the receptionist about where I'd be measuring today.

I suppose something did happen, I've gone from 1 cm to 2 cm dilated this week, so I suppose that's progress. After all, I guess I could have regressed and hit 0, right?

And after giving up running last week, I have begun walking. It's been pretty good for the most part. We have a lake with a walking trail at work, so I'm able to get out and enjoy some fresh air in a beautiful fall setting most days. This weekend I took to our treadmill at the house, which is super convenient.

We've been pretty busy with odds and ends, which has helped keep me distracted from the fact that last week I was convinced I'd have a baby by this time this week, and now I'm convinced I have another 3 weeks to go!

Luckily, one of my friends from home recently moved to Charlotte, and it's been so great having her and her husband nearby now. They have a 12 week old. Last night we met them at another friend's house for dinner - and they have an-almost 6 month old . It was awesome to be able to see where Baby Z will be in 3-6 months and to have these friends so close to us. I joked that the three couples should do our New Year's party together since we'll all be in bed by 12:01!

Well, here's hoping there's something more exciting to report next week!